Tuesday 16 February 2010

Why don’t we consider hosting Winter Olympics in warmer climes

As Linda Coady, Vice President of sustainability for VANOC said "If we used helicopters every day from this point until the end of February for eight hours a day, it would increase our carbon footprint by less than one per cent……". Coady further commented "Similarly, with the trucking [of] snow, if we trucked in 100 tonnes, it would only increase our carbon footprint by about three or 4,000 tonnes.". If this is the case why don’t we consider hosting Winter Olympics in warmer climes if trucking/airlifting in snow really does have such a ‘minimal’ impact? If we use this calculus, surely Organising Committees and Delivery Authorities of hot countries could build this into their overall carbon budget and still beat the likes of Turin’s carbon impact!

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